Saturday, July 31, 2010

Drama in the drama department

So today, there was a little feud between two Idiots on Twitter. Actually, it didn't even need to be a feud. It was such a little thing that was totally blown out of proportion. In any event, it gave me a great deal of entertainment today. So this was the little thing that occurred between John Gallagher Jr. and Aspen Vincent on Twitter...

: I got shut down and bed ridden by sickness this weekend. My true apologies to all seeing American Idiot. It is killing me to not be there.

aspenvincent: @JohnGallagherJr Not sure what to make of that. We miss you but apologizing to those seeing the show devalidates us still kicking ass here.
aspenvincent: @JohnGallagherJr apologize to people that were hoping to see you. But don't apologize for the quality of the show while you're gone. Uncool.
aspenvincent: we thrash, sweat, bruise, and bleed onstage because we believe in this show. To read an apology to an audience for the show we just gave...
aspenvincent: ...Even if that's not what he meant, is hurtful. This isn't a personal attack on John. I love/respect him. But that hurt us today.

JohnGallagherJr: My apology was being offered from a performer who purely hates to not be onstage at his job. No disrespect meant to the amazing AI cast.

aspenvincent: @JohnGallagherJr apology totally accepted. I know what you meant and we look forward to having you back John. Heal up. Xoxo

JohnGallagherJr: American Idiot has the most talented group of swings/understudies I have ever seen in my life and they never ever fail to deliver.
JohnGallagherJr: And I would never suggest that the quality of our show would suffer merely because of my absence. It is worlds bigger than any one person.
JohnGallagherJr: And you will not once hear me talk ill or slanderously about any of my brilliant castmates.

So after reading all this shenanigan and getting slightly uncomfortable, my favorite Idiot totally made light of the situation, in addition to almost killing me and making me sweat and tear up from laughter. This thread of Michael Esper Twitter posts followed the silly feud.

airstreamrally: @aspenvincent @johngallagherjr that was the most polite Twitter-beef ever. Could you please try a bit harder? Listen to NWA or something?
airstreamrally: Also? I'm making "Team John" and "Team Aspen" shirts right now.
airstreamrally: Also, I just want to apologize to everyone for being in the show tonight.
: Ok that shirt comment was divisive. They've reconciled and are now locked in a warm cyberembrace. So one shirt: Team Jaspenny. Forever.

So yes, that made my day. I've never been so involved in a "Twitter-beef" before.

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